Building Permit No. 61304 - PUB

Vilifer - Sociedade de Construções Metálicas, Lda has a commitment to privacy and the protection of personal data, acting in accordance with the provisions of the General Regulation on Data Protection (GDPR) (Regulation (EU) 2016/679, of the European Parliament and of the Council of 27 April 2016), the Personal Data Protection Act (Law 58/2019, 8 August) and other applicable legislation.

Complying with the obligations inherent to the GDPR, Vilifer - Sociedade de Construções Metálicas, Lda undertakes, in this Privacy Policy, to inform the User of the website about purposes and how your personal data is processed (i.e. collection, storage, processing, transmission and deletion), ensuring that your data is collected, shared and stored, with reference to best practices in the field of security and protection of personal data.

We use the personal data of the User of the website always with principles of transparency and to ensure that we provide the best service.

For this reason, we suggest reading this Privacy Policy in order to know and consent to the way in which the personal data of the User of the website are collected and processed.


Our Privacy Policy applies to the personal data that Vilifer - Sociedade de Construções Metálicas, Lda treats.

Vilifer - Sociedade de Construções Metálicas, Lda, headquartered at Travessa das Cerâmicas n.º 3 Maceirinha, 2405-026 Maceira, Leiria, Portugal, Legal Person nº 502 262 931, is Responsible for the Processing of Personal Data under the GDPR and other applicable legislation.

Vilifer - Sociedade de Construções Metálicas, Lda is committed to using the User’s personal data only for the purposes communicated to it, and always in a safe and responsible manner.


In this Privacy Policy, the term "Personal Data" means the set of information that relates to you and allows us to identify you, directly or indirectly. Your personal data may include, for example, your name, your contacts, demographic information and your interactions, only and after obtaining your consent, which will be processed in accordance with applicable law and is not, in any case, used for a purpose other than that for which prior consent has been obtained.

With regard to the website, we collect your personal data automatically through cookies when you visit, in line with your browser’s cookie settings. If you want to learn more about cookies, namely how we use them and what options you have at your disposal, we advise you to read our Cookies Policy and our Terms and Conditions of use of the website. We will also collect User data when you contact us through the Internet site, for example by using the email feature. The collection of data always requires prior consent.

We may also receive the User’s personal data through other companies, namely, when they collect, process or store it in the context of a service they provide to us.


We are entitled to process the User’s personal data for different reasons. The main thing will be the possibility to enjoy some of our services or features, although there are other reasons that legitimate us to use them, such as the interest in answering the User’s questions or the consent that it grants us to send you our newsletters, among others.

Depending on how you interact with the website, that is, depending on the services, products or features you wish to use, we will process your personal data for the following purposes:

- To meet requests or requests you make - We only process personal data that is strictly necessary to manage or resolve your request or request.

- For marketing purposes. This purpose includes the processing of your data mainly for:

• To the extent that by consenting to receive news and communications from Vilifer - Sociedade de Construções Metálicas, Lda, we will process your personal data to manage such request, including to send personalized information about our products or services through various means (such as email, MMS or SMS).

• In this sense, please note that this data processing does not imply any analysis of your User profile in order to determine what your preferences are and therefore which products and services are best suited to your style when we send you information.

• Remember that you can request the cancellation of such service at any time and at no cost, by sending us an email to

• Carry out promotional actions (for example, for the organization of fairs, contests or for sending your list of saved items to the email address you indicate us).

• By participating in any promotional action, you authorize us to process the data that you have made available to us in relation to each promotional action and to communicate them through various means such as social networks or on the website. In each promotional action in which you participate you will have available the terms and conditions where we will give more detailed information about the processing of your personal data.

- Analysis of functionality and quality to improve our services, if you access the website, we inform you that we will NOT process your browsing data for analytical and statistical purposes, that is, to understand how Users interact with the website and thus be able to improve it. 

In addition, on certain occasions we MAY carry out quality actions and surveys aimed at knowing the degree of satisfaction of our Customers and Users and detecting the areas in which we can improve, however, you will be informed in detail of the possible processing of your personal data.

The processing of your personal data by Vilifer - Sociedade de Construções Metálicas, Lda is lawful when at least one of the following situations occurs:

•   has given his explicit consent to the processing of personal data for one or more of the specific purposes;

•   the processing is necessary for the performance of a contract to which it is a party or for pre-contractual steps at its request;

•   The processing is necessary for the fulfillment of a legal obligation to which Vilifer - Sociedade de Construções Metálicas, Lda is subject;

•   the processing is necessary for the defence of your vital interests or of another natural person;

•   The processing is necessary for the purpose of the legitimate interests pursued by Vilifer - Sociedade de Construções Metálicas, Lda or by third parties (unless their interests or fundamental rights and freedoms that require protection of personal data prevail).

Vilifer - Sociedade de Construções Metálicas, Lda undertakes to ensure that the processing of personal data is only done under the conditions listed above and with respect to the data protection principles mentioned.

When the processing of personal data is carried out by Vilifer - Sociedade de Construções Metálicas, Lda based on your consent, the User has the right to withdraw your consent at any time. The withdrawal of consent, however, does not compromise the lawfulness of the treatment performed by Vilifer - Sociedade de Construções Metálicas, Lda based on your prior consent.



We have a variety of information security measures, aligned with national best practices and

in order to protect your personal data, including technological controls, administrative, technical, physical measures and procedures that ensure the protection of your personal data, preventing its misuse, unauthorised access and disclosure, its loss, its improper or inadvertent alteration, or its unauthorized destruction.

Among other things, we highlight the following measures:

•   Restricted access to your personal data only by those who need it for the purposes we set out above;

•   Secure storage and transfer of personal data only;

•   Protection of information systems through devices that prevent unauthorized access to your personal data;

•   Implementation of mechanisms to safeguard the integrity and quality of your personal data;

•   Permanent monitoring of information systems in order to prevent, detect and prevent misuse of your personal data;

•   Redundancy of personal data storage, processing and communication equipment to avoid loss of availability.


We retain the User’s personal data only for the period necessary to fulfill the purposes defined, according to the criteria defined by the GDPR and other applicable legislation.

Once we have reached the maximum retention period we have set, your personal data will be anonymized or destroyed/deleted securely.



In some cases we may disclose your personal data to subcontractors in connection with services provided by them (e.g. information technology services, communications sending services, customer support services).

In such cases, we require that these subcontractors have in place appropriate security measures to protect your personal data.



You may exercise the following rights:

1.   Right to information: request additional information about our use of your personal data;

2.   Right of Access: access or request access to the personal data you have provided to us;

3.   Right of Portability: request the transmission of the personal data you have provided to us;

4.   Right to Rectification: request correction or updating of your personal data;

5.   Right to Erasure: request erasure of your personal data, where permitted by law or contract;

6.   Right of Limitation: request to limit the way we use your personal data, while correcting or clarifying any doubts about its content or the use we make of them;

7.   Right to Object: we provide a channel for you to challenge decisions based on your personal data.

You also have the right to withdraw or change, at any time, the consent you have given us to use the personal data, when this has legitimated the use thereof.

To exercise your personal data protection rights, or whenever you have any questions about our use of your personal data, the User should contact us through our email

You can submit a complaint to the National Data Protection Commission (CNPD) - Address: Av. D. Carlos I, 134, 1º, 1200-651 Lisboa - Phone: +351213928400 - Fax: +351213976832 - Email:



Vilifer - Sociedade de Construções Metálicas, Lda reserves the right to change this Privacy Policy at all times. In case of modification of the Privacy Policy, the date of the last change, available at the bottom of this page, is also updated. If the change is substantial, a notice will be placed on the website.

updated version 2023